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How to know your nervous system is out of whack?

Happy Humpday!

So with summer just about left us, this is my favourite time to jump into rest & restore mode. I now want nothing more than jumpers and being cosy under a blanket. With our season starting its trip into luteal phase, its time to go within.

As with this phase the seasons are preparing to let go. Summer for me is crazy I have so many people to see, my work diary is crazy as well as trying to squeeze in every social activity that includes sunshine (typically British behaviour).

But what comes with this is a monthly period of my nervous system being completely thrown out of whack. We have a bad habit as busy humans to just put things down to "its just stress" when actually stress is the biggest factor in our bodies having disease.

90% of my client by the time they come for a treatment, the tick box is

ARGHHHHH I NEED HELP.. when it comes to stress levels.

How to know your Nervous System is suffering ?

You’re constantly overwhelmed and on edge.

You might find yourself always worrying or thinking about your to-do list, your future, your diary etc...You have struggle to relax. It can be really difficult for you to switch off enough to get into a state of relaxation.

Skin & Gut Stress

A lot of clients that suffer from conditions like Rosacea, the first question I ask is about stress/nervous system? What is their lifestyle like?




Same with IBS too they are both highly connected to the nervous system.

You’re frequently snappy, irritable, and reactive

Do you feel like you’re constantly on the verge of snapping or losing your temper? This could be a sign that you’re not managing your emotional stress well.

It becomes difficult for you to control the way you react or feel.

You are easily overwhelmed by strong sensory.

Loud noises, certain smells, and being in big crowds, certain noises, and other sensory input can be tough to manage.

You also have a strong reaction to pain and are easily irritated or stressed by small things that others don’t notice, like clutter or the sound of chewing.

You experience sleep and concentration problems.

You may struggle to fall asleep or feel that afternoon nap crash. You may find yourself yawning, feeling sleepy or groggy during the day, and having difficulty concentrating.

This is because your nervous system has a hard time relaxing during sleep.

You may also experience problems regulating your temperature and heart rate, making it difficult to fall asleep at night.

Myself and Tullulah have been on a long journey struggling with the above. We have spent hours on retreats, courses, breathing, singing, sound healing to have the knowledge to share with you.

On the retreat day we will assist you to drop your body into rest & restore and give you the tools to regulate your nervous system.

We hope you can join us.

Join us on Mon Nov 13, 2023 at 11:00 AM for an immersive experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated ,reset & refreshed.

Our event will be held at Prana Space, E15 1PG.

This serene location provides the perfect backdrop for a day of relaxation and self-care. Leave your worries at the door and immerse yourself in a day of nourishment for your mind, body, and soul.

Yin yoga Re-birthing Breathwork Sound Healing Workshops

Light & love,


Sound Touch Treatments.

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